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A Guide for Organizational Entrepreneurs

Kenneth W. Abbott
Jack E. Brown Professor of Law and Professor of Global Studies
Arizona State University
Dr. Thomas Hale
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford University

While global solution networks (GSNs) are among the most promising ways to address global problems, they do not necessarily emerge spontaneously.

Often, organizational entrepreneurs must “orchestrate” the creation and development of GSNs, providing information to potential participants, catalyzing and encouraging cooperation, building linkages and providing diverse resources, as well as shaping GSN activities. Yet orchestration remains under-utilized: of 223 GSNs we surveyed, fewer than a quarter were products of orchestration.

This paper explains how institutional innovators have initiated, supported, and shaped network solutions to global problems, and offers a practical guide to orchestration for organizational entrepreneurs in government, non-profits, the private sector, international organizations and beyond.

Read the new research here.

See all Research Results here.