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Blockchain Governance

GSN Network of Networks

A resource for sharing, scaling, and connecting to global solution networks stewarding the Internet’s Second Era.

Sponsored by the Province of Ontario

Realizing the Potential of Blockchain

Featured Research: Governance of the Internet’s Second Era

A Multistakeholder Approach to the Stewardship of Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies

Blockchain, or distributed ledger technology, could soon give rise to a new era of the Internet even more disruptive and transformative than the current one. Blockchain’s ability to generate unprecedented opportunities to create and trade value in society will lead to a generational shift in the Internet’s evolution, from an Internet of Information to a new generation Internet of Value.

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Further Research

The Remarkable Internet Governance Network – Part I

Understanding a Global Multi-Stakeholder Ecosystem

Read the Report

The Remarkable Internet Governance Network – Part II

Moving to the Next Era

Read the Report

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7 GSN Network Types

GSNs contribute to global problem solving in seven very different ways. Knowing the type of work your network is doing can increase your impact.

Click on the circles below to connect to networks in any of the various network groups.

Advocacy Networks seek to change the agenda or policies of governments, corporations or other institutions.Building awareness to change the agenda. Click for examples. Operational and Delivery Networks actually deliver the change they seek, supplementing or even bypassing the efforts of traditional institutions.Delivering the change they seek. Click for examples. Watchdog Networks scrutinize institutions to ensure they behave appropriately.Bringing issues to light. Click for examples. Policy Networks create government policy, even though they may consist of non-governmental players.Influencing and creating social policy. Click for examples.
Networked Institutions provide a wide range of capabilities even similar to state-based institutions but with a very different modus-operandi.Legitimacy, broad reach and resources. Click for examples. Knowledge Networks develop new thinking, research, ideas and policies that can be helpful in solving global problems. Their emphasis is on the creation of new ideas, not their advocacy.Gathering and sharing data and ideas. Click for examples. Global Standards Networks are non-state based organizations that develop technical specifications and standards for virtually anything, including standards for the Internet itself.Creating common metrics for global efforts. Click for examples.

An Expanding Network of Problem-Solver Activists

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“Blockchain will have profound implications for the operations of government, the nature of democracy and the modus operandi of every government agency.” – Don Tapscott

Based in Toronto – with worldwide membership – the Blockchain Research Institute (BRI) is conducting the definitive investigation into blockchain strategies, market opportunities, and implementation challenges. A global team of dozens of experts will explore financial services, manufacturing, retail, energy and resources, technology/media, healthcare and government; as well as how this new technology changes the way we manage companies. Get access to private research in the blockchain space by joining this initiative.

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Latest Blog Posts

Cities, Urbanization and Blockchain Solutions

Cities, Urbanization and Blockchain Solutions

While it’s the undisputed business hub of the Middle East, Dubai has set an ambitious goal in this era of urbanization: To be the first blockchain-powered government in the world by 2020. Not as sci-fi as it sounds.

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Blockchain Fighting Poverty

Blockchain Fighting Poverty

Blockchain could well be the tool for fighting global poverty in the way that vaccines fight disease, especially in developing economies.

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GSN Blockchain Governance Platform

Don Tapscott

Don Tapscott

Co-Founder and CEO

Alex Tapscott

Alex Tapscott


Blockchain Researchers

Tom Serres

Tom Serres

Co-founder Animal Ventures; Host, Tech on Politics

Bettina Warburg

Bettina Warburg

Co-founder Animal Ventures; Host, Tech on Politics

Oliver Bussmann

Oliver Bussmann

Former CIO, UBS

Michael Casey

Michael Casey

Author, The Age of Cryptocurrency

Nolan Bauerle

Nolan Bauerle

Researcher, Writer and Author, Coindesk

Primavera de Filippi

Primavera de Filippi

TED Speaker; Founding Member, Coala Lex

Tony Scott

Tony Scott

Former CIO, United States Federal Government

Michele Mosca

Michele Mosca

Co-Founder and Deputy Director, Institute for Quantum Computing at the University of Waterloo

Stefan Hopf

Stefan Hopf

Senior Consultant, The Nunatak Group

Dominique Guinard

Dominique Guinard

IoT author, CTO and co-founder of EVRYTHNG and webofthings.org

Irving Wladawsky-Berger

Irving Wladawsky-Berger

MIT and Imperial College; VP Emeritus, IBM

Usman Sheikh

Usman Sheikh

Partner & National Litigation Lead, Gowling WLG

Jeremy Epstein

Jeremy Epstein

CEO, Never Stop Marketing

Andy Spence

Andy Spence

HR & Workforce Advisor; Founder, Glass Bead Consulting

Marcus O'Dair

Marcus O'Dair

Convenor, Blockchain for Creative Industries Research Cluster

Prema Shrikrishna

Prema Shrikrishna

Research Assistant, MIT

Reshma Kamath

Reshma Kamath

Juris Doctor, Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law

Soumak Chaterjee

Soumak Chaterjee

Senior Manager, Deloitte Canada

Tom Isaacson

Tom Isaacson

Patent Attorney

Vineet Narula

Vineet Narula

MIT Sloan Fellow; Operations Executive

Andreas Park

Andreas Park

Associate Professor of Finance at the University of Toronto; FinTech Researcher

Thomas A. Gardner

Thomas A. Gardner

CTO, HP Federal; Former CTO, Jacobs

Alan Wunsche

Alan Wunsche

CEO of TokenFunder Inc.;
Co-founder, Blockchain Canada

Henry Kim

Henry Kim

Associate Professor of Decision Technologies & Blockchain Lab co-founder, York University

Bill Gillies

Bill Gillies

Author and Communications Consultant

Michael Scott

Michael Scott

Blockchain Technology & Digital Economy Writer

Chloe Desmonet

Chloe Desmonet

Head of Sales & Marketing for MKS (Switzerland) AG

Jill Rundle

jill@gsnetworks.org Global Solution Networks