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On our website, you can explore problem solving networks, identify those of particular interest to you, and connect with network leaders.

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Climate & Planet Stewardship

GSN Network of Networks

A resource for sharing, scaling, and connecting to global solution networks addressing climate change and stewardship of our planet for future generations.

Climate & Planet Stewardship Research on the Impact of GSNs

Graphic digests highlighting key results and implications from select original research.

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10 GSN Network Types

GSNs contribute to global problem solving in ten very different ways. Knowing the type of work your network is doing can increase your impact.

Click on the circles below to connect to networks in any of the various network groups.

Advocacy Networks seek to change the agenda or policies of governments, corporations or other institutions.Building awareness to change the agenda. Click for examples. Platforms create the capability for other networks to organize.Enabling action and interaction by multiple players. Click for examples. Operational and Delivery Networks actually deliver the change they seek, supplementing or even bypassing the efforts of traditional institutions.Delivering the change they seek. Click for examples. Watchdog Networks scrutinize institutions to ensure they behave appropriately.Bringing issues to light. Click for examples. Policy Networks create government policy, even though they may consist of non-governmental players.Influencing and creating social policy. Click for examples.
Governance Networks have achieved or been granted the right and responsibility of non-institutional global governance.Governance without government. Click for examples. Diasporas are global communities formed by people dispersed from their ancestral lands, but who share a common culture and strong identity with their homeland.Global actors connected by birthplace. Click for examples. Networked Institutions provide a wide range of capabilities even similar to state-based institutions but with a very different modus-operandi.Legitimacy, broad reach and resources. Click for examples. Knowledge Networks develop new thinking, research, ideas and policies that can be helpful in solving global problems. Their emphasis is on the creation of new ideas, not their advocacy.Gathering and sharing data and ideas. Click for examples. Global Standards Networks are non-state based organizations that develop technical specifications and standards for virtually anything, including standards for the Internet itself.Creating common metrics for global efforts. Click for examples.

An Expanding Network of Problem-Solver Activists

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How do you save, access, edit, and update your personalized GSN Connect networks?

It’s easy – register for a FREE GSN account to keep your searches, ideas, and network connections in one place. You’ll also receive invitations to forums, personal access to Hub curators, and updates on new blogs, networks and events.

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Your Mileage May Vary—The Cynical Business of Climate Change

Your Mileage May Vary—The Cynical Business of Climate Change

The Internet of Things will streamline our world, save us time, improve our health, slow climate change. It makes our cars smart, our media social and our electronics networked. Life is super-connected in the 21st century—what could go wrong? Malicious hacking, that’s a big one; we all worry about the hackers getting our data. And this week, the biggest car company in the world showed us another one: cheating the code.

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UN Global Goals correspond to Global Solution Networks Hubs

UN Global Goals correspond to Global Solution Networks Hubs

This week the UN Sustainable Development Summit will convene at UN headquarters in New York. World leaders from 193 nations will be asked to commit to 17 Global Goals in three broad categories—end extreme poverty, fight inequality and injustice, and tackle climate...

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Project Everyone Broadcasts the Sustainable Development Goals

Project Everyone Broadcasts the Sustainable Development Goals

Richard Curtis, the film-maker known for hits like Love Actually and Bridget Jones's Diary, as well as for his work with Comic Relief, is the founder of Project Everyone, a collaboration with the UN to give prominence to the Sustainable Development Goals.  The SDGs...

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Upcoming Climate & Planet Stewardship Network Events

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Meet the GSN Climate & Planet Stewardship Platform Curators

Tom Baumann

CoFounder ClimateCHECK & GHGMI, Chair ISO Climate Change Standards Committee

Brendan Guy

Global Fellow, Natural Resources Defense Council

Yasser Ansari

Yasser Ansari

Chief Leaf, Project Noah

Jill Rundle

jill@gsnetworks.org Global Solution Networks