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On our website, you can explore problem solving networks, identify those of particular interest to you, and connect with network leaders.

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Earth Economics

Earth Economics

Provides cities with an economic assessment of their ecosystem services to help cities develop their natural capital strategic inititatives, and to make sound and informed natural capital investements.
Cities Development Initiative for Asia (CDIA)

Cities Development Initiative for Asia (CDIA)

Helps cities to develop pre-feasibility studies for high-priority infrastructure projects, provides analysis of economic, environmental, institutional and social costs and benefits of  investments to enhance projects’ resilience value.
Cities Alliance

Cities Alliance

Promotes social inclusion, particularly  poor and vulnerable groups, in urban planning and development by providing experts and facilitating knowledge exchanges on city development strategies, innovative finance and slum upgrading.
Build Change

Build Change

Provides cities training and technical expertise on improving building design standards and construction techniques for low-rise masonry and timber structures to withstand earthquakes and extreme weather events.
News Deeply

News Deeply

Bringing thought leaders together, enhancing public engagement, and improving the user experience of complex global issues by building unique, user-centered resources that fuse news, live events, information design, and social participation.