What Is a GSN Account?

On our website, you can explore problem solving networks, identify those of particular interest to you, and connect with network leaders.

Want to store, edit, and track communications with selected networks? These and other benefits come with your free GSN Account.

European Microfinance Platform — EMFP

European Microfinance Platform — EMFP

Promotes co-operation amongst European microfinance bodies working in developing countries, by facilitating communication and the exchange of information.


Transform the lives of the socially vulnerable through food and with Vocational Kitchen Training.
Connected Development [CODE]

Connected Development [CODE]

Participatory community building and research and evaluation that creates effective and sustainable programs in all forms of development issues.
100,000 Opportunities Initiative

100,000 Opportunities Initiative

A coalition of leading U.S. companies committed to engaging 100,000 young people in jobs, internships, and apprenticeships by 2018