What Is a GSN Account?

On our website, you can explore problem solving networks, identify those of particular interest to you, and connect with network leaders.

Want to store, edit, and track communications with selected networks? These and other benefits come with your free GSN Account.

CARRI’s Community Resilience System

CARRI’s Community Resilience System

Helps communities create a vision for the future and establish the necessary actions to improve overall resilience to disasters and other disturbances.
InSTEDD’s GeoChat and Resource Map

InSTEDD’s GeoChat and Resource Map

Self-organizing group communications link the field, headquarters, and the local community in a real-time, interactive conversation visualized on a map.


An online volunteering platform that links neighbors (online volunteers) with villages (local communities) in Africa, Asia and Latin America to share ideas and find solutions to local issues.


Internet organizing that allows thousands of individual efforts to be rapidly combined into a powerful collective force.


Change.org is the world’s largest petition platform, empowering people everywhere to create the change they want to see.