What Is a GSN Account?

On our website, you can explore problem solving networks, identify those of particular interest to you, and connect with network leaders.

Want to store, edit, and track communications with selected networks? These and other benefits come with your free GSN Account.

Global Blockchain Forum

Global Blockchain Forum

Initiative of the Chamber of Digital Commerce that works with leading blockchain policy experts to develop industry best practices and shape global regulatory interoperability.
Coin Center

Coin Center

The leading non-profit focused on the policy issues facing cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.


A decentralized platform for uploading and running programs, conducting transactions, executing smart contracts, and automating traditional processes like settlement, accounting, and supply-chain tracking.
Blockchain Alliance

Blockchain Alliance

A forum for open dialogue between industry and law enforcement and regulatory agencies, in order to help combat criminal activity on the blockchain.
Blockchain Research Institute (BRI)

Blockchain Research Institute (BRI)

Identifies subject matter experts to research and report on topics of critical interest to leaders of business, government, and NGOs.