Orchestration: How Organizational Entrepreneurs Can Build Global Solution Networks
Host: Anthony Williams, GSN Executive Editor
Guests: Mindy Lubber, President & CEO, Ceres; Thomas Hale, Post-Doctoral Fellow, Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford University; Kristy Buckley, Senior Mediator, Meridian Institute
Date: November 21, 2013
In a world where knowledge and capability are more broadly distributed than ever before, network orchestration has become central to the world’s ability to assemble the skills and resources required to develop effective solutions to global problems. Orchestrators are key catalysts, mobilizers, supporters and/or enablers of a network of diverse actors taking action on a global problem. The orchestrator is able to play this role because of a unique set of attributes, including public legitimacy, network centrality, convening power, financial resources and social capital.
This webinar reveals key insights about orchestrators and how organizational entrepreneurs can achieve outcomes unattainable by organizations acting alone.