What Is a GSN Account?

On our website, you can explore problem solving networks, identify those of particular interest to you, and connect with network leaders.

Want to store, edit, and track communications with selected networks? These and other benefits come with your free GSN Account.

Global Problem Solving in an Era of Big Data

Technologists and science fiction writers have long envisioned a world where a seamless global network of Internet-connected sensors could capture every event, action, and change on earth. Today, that vision of an “Internet of Things” is edging closer and closer to...
Don Tapscott Interview: Global Problems

Don Tapscott Interview: Global Problems

We have a lot of problems in the world, and if you look at them, most of them are not getting better. So are they too hard to solve? Don Tapscott is interviewed by TRUE on Global Problems in this video.

Dubai ITU

Reflecting on the showdown at the OK Coral that occurred in December of last year, there is much to learn about how we govern ourselves in a networked world.  You may remember that representatives of more than 190 governments held a profoundly important 12-day...
Taking GSN Global

Taking GSN Global

This spring, the Global Solution Networks team has taken our message of new models for global problem solving around the world. Our Founder and Executive Director Don Tapscott addressed the Royal Society of Arts in London and UNESCO in Paris. We met with audiences in...