Featured Health & Human Security Networks
Health & Human Security – Digests of Major Concepts in Key Research
Graphic digests highlighting key results and implications from select original research.
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10 GSN Network Types
GSNs contribute to global problem solving in ten very different ways. Knowing the type of work your network is doing can increase your impact.
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Latest Blog Posts
Migration Challenges World’s Cities
The World Economic Forum has released its new report on migration and the world’s cities covering the different types and causes of migration, with a particular focus on its impact on cities around the world and how they can be better prepared.
Replanting Brazilian Rain Forest
A massive reforestation effort in the Brazilian region of the Amazon is being undertaken through a GSN partnership between between Conservation International, the Brazilian Ministry of Environment, the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the World Bank, the Brazilian Biodiversity Fund (Funbio) and Rock in Rio’s environmental arm, “Amazonia Live.”
Water Scarcity Biggest Global Threat
According to the UN, 2 billion people face the biggest global threat: water scarcity.
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Meet the Health & Human Security Platform Curators
Ben Ramalingam
Chair, Humanitarian Innovation Fund
Casey Harrity
Humanitarian Relief & Disaster Assistance
Diane Francis
National Post
Jill Rundle
jill@gsnetworks.org Global Solution Networks