Jan 12, 2018 | Cities, Health & Human Security, Health & Wellbeing, Peace & Conflict
The number of people displaced from their homes has reached a grim milestone. In their Global Trends 2015 report, the UN Refugee Agency, UNHCR, counted 65.3 million people forcibly displaced worldwide. The Syrian conflict has become the largest displacement...
Nov 20, 2017 | Blog, Cities
Smart cities are preparing for autonomous vehicles with mobility technology. The National League of Cities research on mobility and technology reports broad shifts urban life and infrastructure. Cities are becoming a proving ground for the technology that could make...
Oct 23, 2017 | Blog, Cities, Health & Human Security, Knowledge Networks
Migration challenges the world’s cities and those locations that are advanced producers of services, have large economies, are international gateways, and are political and cultural hubs of international significance, have increasing migrant populations;...
Oct 11, 2017 | Cities, Employment & Prosperity
Economic growth may come from rural areas, as food production and job creation come from agricultural opportunities. According to a new United Nations agriculture agency report released Monday. the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) report State of Food and...
Sep 30, 2017 | Cities, Climate & Planet Stewardship
Is the US sticking with the Paris Climate Agreement? Or isn’t it? Nations aren’t the only players, in fact they may have the least ability to develop actionable strategies. But if every city with a population over 100,000 stepped up, they could account for 40 percent...