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Global Solution Networks Blog

Recent articles and research reports
New GSN Case Study:Global Forest Watch

New GSN Case Study:
Global Forest Watch

A Global Solution Network to Protect the World's Forests Global Forest Watch (GFW) is a watchdog network that improves transparency and accountability in forest management decisions by increasing the public’s access to information on forestry activities around the...

Gifted Colleagues: A Network of Technology Networks

The TABridge community includes more than 60 different organizations from dozens of countries, but we are still a small network whose greatest strength is the knowledge we share; it doesn’t reside at a central hub. In countless ways, we are not alone. Before we closed...

New GSN Case Study: Global Water Partnership

New GSN Case Study: Global Water Partnership

Water is not only crucial to life—without plentiful supplies of water the world’s systems of modern agriculture and industrial production would collapse. Growing water scarcity demands new solutions, especially as the complexities of water management increase with...

Don Tapscott Wins 2013 Thinkers50 Global Solutions Award

LONDON – The Canadian thinker Don Tapscott has won the Thinkers50 Global Solutions Award for 2013. The result was announced at a glittering awards ceremony at Drapers’ Hall, London. “The Global Solutions Award aims to recognize the thinker whose ideas have had the...

Global Entrepreneurship Summit

Don Tapscott is in Kuala Lumpur today for the Global Entrepreneurship Summit. The event was started by US President Barack Obama in 2009 as a global platform “to empower entrepreneurs with the skills and resources necessary to compete and thrive in the 21st century.”...

Governance Networks

One of the most extraordinary outcomes of the digital revolution is that multi-stakeholder networks, rather than state-based institutions now govern important global resources. These Governance Networks (One of the 10 types of Global Solution Networks) are beginning...

Global Problem Solving in an Era of Big Data

Technologists and science fiction writers have long envisioned a world where a seamless global network of Internet-connected sensors could capture every event, action, and change on earth. Today, that vision of an “Internet of Things” is edging closer and closer to...

Global Problem Solving in an Era of Big Data

Technologists and science fiction writers have long envisioned a world where a seamless global network of Internet-connected sensors could capture every event, action, and change on earth. Today, that vision of an “Internet of Things” is edging closer and closer to...

Don Tapscott Interview: Global Problems

Don Tapscott Interview: Global Problems

We have a lot of problems in the world, and if you look at them, most of them are not getting better. So are they too hard to solve? Don Tapscott is interviewed by TRUE on Global Problems in this video.

Mobile computing unleashes entrepreneurial energies in emerging nations

In parallel with the rise of the social Web, advances in mobile technology have begun to fundamentally transform computing as we know it. In fact, mobile computers – including smartphones, GPS wristwatches and tablets – are quickly replacing desktop computing and...

Dubai ITU

Reflecting on the showdown at the OK Coral that occurred in December of last year, there is much to learn about how we govern ourselves in a networked world.  You may remember that representatives of more than 190 governments held a profoundly important 12-day...

Taking GSN Global

Taking GSN Global

This spring, the Global Solution Networks team has taken our message of new models for global problem solving around the world. Our Founder and Executive Director Don Tapscott addressed the Royal Society of Arts in London and UNESCO in Paris. We met with audiences in...

Research Update from Anthony Williams

Our guests on the recent GSN webinar — Paul Ellingstad of HP and Robert Haynie of the US State Department — are busy documenting their insights on how traditional organizations can tap the power of global solution networks and will have their complete case studies...

Royal Society of Arts: Change Networks

Royal Society of Arts: Change Networks

Thanks to the internet revolution and the digital space's communication tools, alternatives to nation-state-based institutions have evolved in the quest for a better world. Continue Reading at The Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts (RSA)

New Global Networks Offer Great Promise

New Global Networks Offer Great Promise

We are in the early days of a completely new approach to solve global problems. This is good because traditional global institutions are increasingly ineffective. Throughout the twentieth century, nation states cooperated to build global institutions to facilitate...

SXSW 2013: How To Solve The World’s Problems

SXSW 2013: How To Solve The World’s Problems

The growing problems of the world -- from climate change, conflict, poverty, water scarcity, infectious disease to economic stagnation -- are not too hard to solve. Rather progress is stalled because our model is wrong. The good news is that traditional state based...

Solving The World’s Problems Differently

New non-state networks of civil society, private sector, government and individual stakeholders are achieving new forms of cooperation, social change and even the production of global public value. They address every conceivable issue facing humanity from poverty,...