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On our website, you can explore problem solving networks, identify those of particular interest to you, and connect with network leaders.

Want to store, edit, and track communications with selected networks? These and other benefits come with your free GSN Account.



Enabled by the digital revolution, multi-stakeholder, self-governing networks are transforming how we solve global problems. Two years of research into these new models enabled development of the platforms, tools and resources you’ll find here – resources for building, scaling and connecting the networks that will change our world.

When global solution networks start to network, the whole will be exponentially greater than the sum of its parts. Join us!




Enabled by the digital revolution, multi-stakeholder, self-government networks are transforming
how we solve global problems.


Non-state networks of civil society, the private sector, government and individual stakeholders are creating patterns of connection with enormous potential to fix a broken world.

4 Characteristics of Global Solution Networks

Global solution networks consist of DIVERSE STAKEHOLDERS, organized to address a GLOBAL PROBLEM making use of DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY and with governance that is SELF-ORGANIZED.

The Week from Don Tapscott

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TOOLS for Building GSNs


What piece of the global problem does your network tackle? Which GSN type best supports your mission?


Hundreds of global solution network leaders, orchestrators and stakeholders have paved the way. Learn from their experiences!


Build, scale or optimize the impact of your own GSN.

From The Blogs

The Rachel Carson Bridge

The Rachel Carson Bridge

The significance of the moment—walking in an urban landscape to attend the annual conference of the Land Trust Alliance [a national land conservation organization of more than 1,000 member land trusts], and being buzzed by a migrating flock drawn into flight by the seasonal change in the weather while crossing a city bridge named for the pioneer of the environmental movement—was inescapable.

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Cities, Urbanization and Blockchain Solutions

Cities, Urbanization and Blockchain Solutions

While it’s the undisputed business hub of the Middle East, Dubai has set an ambitious goal in this era of urbanization: To be the first blockchain-powered government in the world by 2020. Not as sci-fi as it sounds.

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Our Sponsors

The Global Solution Networks program is grateful to the following organizations for their support of this research.


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