Feb 22, 2018 | Blockchain Governance, Cities
While it’s the undisputed business hub of the Middle East, Dubai has set an ambitious goal in this era of urbanization: To be the first blockchain-powered government in the world by 2020. Not as sci-fi as it sounds. Blockchain-powered smart cities are attainable. The...
May 19, 2017 | Climate & Planet Stewardship, Employment & Prosperity, Operational and Delivery Networks
Solar innovations mean energy innovation can meet the Strategic Development Goal 7 for the entire world. What a difference a few years can make in technology breakthroughs. Bill Gates blogged in 2014 saying the renewables such as solar and wind were effectively...
Apr 30, 2017 | Blockchain Governance, Cities, Employment & Prosperity, Knowledge Networks, Operational and Delivery Networks
Shaping the Future with Blockchain for Business Once a tiny fishing outpost, Dubai has become a global hub for trade with its near-zero taxes, and relative stability in a chaotic region. Now, as the world sees the development of more and more so-called “smart...
Dec 19, 2016 | Blockchain Governance, Blog, Cities, Climate & Planet Stewardship, Employment & Prosperity, Governance Networks, Health & Human Security, Other / Multiple / General
2017 could be the year of blockchain stewardship. In the CoinDesk 2016 in Review special feature, Don Tapscott, Founder of Global Solution Networks, and co-Author Alex Tapscott, discussed some of the hot topics from their recently published book “Blockchain...